When thief entered into the garden of Eden. He see two beings who looked just like God whom he worshiped always. But same God cast him out from heaven and now he want to give pain to God. He can do nothing to God. At least he want to try to kill these two who look like God.
This thief (devil in serpent) heard that they are being told if they eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil they will surely die.
Means God create Adam and Eve but at the same time He created death as well. Death was there but death was dead. It means Adam and Eve can give life to death as they got life from God, by disobedience.
As devil want to kill them but he cannot. He realise here is a person named detah who can do the same what he want to do to Adam and Eve.
So he stats with Eve to convince her with logic to eat the forbidden fruit.
She ate, nothing happened, this thing make her convince more that serpent is right. She now turn to her husband with fruit. He may not want to eat. But she told her look I can eat in front of you and you will see nothing will happen. She did. This thing may convince him to eat.
As soon as Adam eat, everything changed. They became afraid. Fear were starting of death. Death become alive until today.
God was rulling through human with life but devil start rulling us with death.
Devil intervened in God's plan and bring death, God intervened in devil's plan and bring life again through Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
When we receive Jesus. He said go and give my testimoney. When our time ends on earth, God send same death to bring that believer to heaven.
When death bring that believer, it means believer will live forever. Means now death is dead for him again.
This is how we won in Christ over death and celebrate.
From the desk of your pastor Boaz
February 2024
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- Kategori: Pastor Boaz Kamran
In my experience by hearing and having a child and a grandchild, it always gives you the overwhelming joy to celebrate the true thanksgiving.
A child was given to the whole human kind. A new era has started. The new history begun with this child named JESUS CHRIST. No matter if someone believe or not but the center of every human history is Christ, known as BC and AC.
God embedded Christ in our lives. We need to know Him as good as possible with the whole heart. If we miss Christ in real meaning, we miss everything. Christ is greater and deeper than we have experienced up till now.
To know Him better, spend time with Christ. Read His love letter called The Holy Bible on daily basis.
You want to meet God, you can meet God in Christ. You want to meet Christ you can meet Him in your Bible. When you will meet Christ, it will be your real Christmas. From that point new beginning will start and you will taste NEW YEAR in your spiritual life.
We believe living and unlimited God. He has never ended blessings and He is willing to gives us. There is no delay from His side but we are the major hinder for our blessings.
If He has given His only begotten son what else He wants to hold from us. Answer is He want to hold nothing from us.
Step forward and receive what He has in His divine calendar for you. This year 2023, He has given much and will continue to do it in the new year 2024.
From the desk of your pastor
Boaz Kamran
October 2023
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- Kategori: Pastor Boaz Kamran
God made Adam and Eve and put them into the garden of Eden. Before Adam God made the person named DEATH. But at that time death was dead and power less. God told Adam if you disobey me you will die. Means your disobediance give LIFE to death.
Satan want to steal and kill and destroy them but he could not even touch them.
When God´s instruction is heard by satan, he knows there is a person name death. He cannot do anything to human but if he will be successfull to make human disobey God than death will be alive and do the same to human what he want to do to them.
He attempted with Eve and he succeded to Adam as well.
When Eve disobey nothing happened but when Adam ate they see the changes and death become alive to kill them.
God love the human so much He decided to pay the penalty by himself instead of you and me.
Jesus Christ came to earth and pay the price. Jesus was the second Adam in human history who was incarnated like first Adam. Means they both were without sin. They were not with any sin like all of us. That's why death cannot kill them because of their sinlessness.
Jesus incarnated just like first human Adam, as he was before sin.
Know if Jesus want to die. He must have sin in His body, which He did not have. So He collected my and your sins. Know He can die.
When someone gives life to Jesus. He says go and do my testimony on earth. When time came Jesus send death to bring His child to Him. So He could make that child eternal with Him.
Eternal means, We will get back the life of Adam which he had before sin. Means death will be dead for us.
So this is what Christ did to death. Jesus uses death to bring believer to Him and death die for that believer forever. At the other hand unbeliever taste death once on earth but will taste death forever.
Be with Christ at His given standards in The Bible.
Pastor Boaz Kamran
May 2023
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- Kategori: Pastor Boaz Kamran
One thing I want to get into your notice in this beautiful journey as Christian, is that the Bible is not a religious book. If I will describe in short the Bible is:
- About the King of Kings
- His Kingdom
- His royal family
More over the Bible is about:
- A government
- Colonization of earth by the kingdom of heaven
- A restoration program of human being
So summary of the Bible is; that King of Kings want to extend His heavenly kingdom om earth through His called people (Church) and secondly He want to establish His kingdom with kings not with people.
That way the Bible has its own culture and moral values.
God has made Adam and Eve for the very purpose and give them authority on earth to be the ruler or king of the earth. They are made for to establish heavenly kingdom on earth. So the will of the father be done on earth as it is on heaven.
After the fall of man, the Bible even describe the restoration program of man. And in the mind of God only one purpose is prevailing about earth that He want to establish His own kingdom on earth.
As the time passes man get far way from this original purpose of His creator. That's why when the Son of God our Lord Jesus Christ came he starts with one sentence "Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand" and His last record on earth is the same as well. Acts 1:3 (focus is kingdom only).
He teaches the same in Lords prayer as pattern to follow for the believers. Let us work with the Holy Spirit to establish His Kingdom in our lives and around us.
Pastor Boaz Kamran
January 2023
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- Kategori: Pastor Boaz Kamran
Love is the basic emotion we learn and know very well. All human knows it but makes the interpretation of love in a different way. Love is something starts from God himself and will be ended to him.
There is one love in the world and there is in one love in the Holy Bible. World has its own meaning in different aspects of life. I want to talk a little but from the word of God.
The greatest act of love from God is to come to earth and give His own life for us. Nothing but love is the force who make the salvation possible for all of us.
God, who is the king of the universe and He is the creator of every thing in seen and unseen world, has to pay the plenty of sins at our behalf.
Love cannot give us the escape from what we have done. Someone has to pay it. He paid it for the sin of the Adam and ready to receive us. We need to repent. If we cannot repent, we cannot be partaker of His kingdom.
Christianity was not so easy to follow at its early period as it is today. It was not Christianity but the kingdom of God. In kingdom is roles and regulations and one should obey and agree to follow.
Jesus came to this earth to establish the kingdom of God. The kingdom where followers are examples to the world. They should show how Christ look like. They are the people who reflect and radiate the very nature of Christ. So, sinners and lost could be able to follow for sinners own good to be saved.
I just want to give challenge to me and to you, what we are doing is the doings of Christ? How we live is the example to the world to follow? Are we light of this world? Is world can see the difference between right and wrong, sin and righteousness?
If not than let us reassemble our self. Examine ourselves by the word of God. Critize ourselves if we are unfit in God's word. Change ourselves instead to change the word of God.
Boaz Kamran
September 2022
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- Kategori: Pastor Boaz Kamran
We are made at the image of God. We all sinned in Adam and Eve and come short from the glory of God. We were in need to be rescued. Non in the world left behind to rescue mankind.
Then He who made us came on earth for us. His coming on earth and rescuing us were for ordained. This is not so easy to understand by human nor angels.
All of this is full with mystery.
Making at God´s image, sinned, casting out, God's visit on earth through a virgin, let Himself died on the cross, go to grave for three days and nights, raising from death, show himself for 40 days, ascending to heaven.
We have entered know in a season where we will celebrate with or without knowing these truths deeply enough to walk and talk strongly for witnessing these supernatural events.
He raised from the dead. This is one of the most important events in our celebrations. Why it is so important that Christ raised from the dead? Such miracles happened before in the Word of God and in history. This is important because:
All others were born normally But Christ was born of a virgin.
All others who died don't want to die But Christ came to die.
All others were raised from the dead by others prayer But Christ raised by Himself.
All others raised to be dead again But Christ raised from the dead to live for ever and ever.
All others raised alone from the dead But Christ raised and many other raised with him.
Praise the Name of the Lord who will raise us from dead if we will die before He came to take us with Him. Raise your head up to get yourselves ready to follow Him.
Pastor Boaz Kamran
April 2022
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- Kategori: Pastor Boaz Kamran
As a believer we know that all things are good and under the divine plan of our Lord Jesus Christ. Even devil thinks that he is doing the things according to his plans and wishes but in the end, he will come to know he was accomplishing the Lord’s will. It is very difficult for us to
understand the ways, how God moves and works but one thing we can do is TRUST HIM. Because He is in a full control around us.
Trusting God is our strength and power to go forward in life and situations even we are unable to understand. Christian knows that we are travelling towards the end timings and Jesus is at door. Everything pointing this way. Prophecies of the Bible is being fulfilled and continue in every year. Corona Virus is one of the signs too. So, we need to be got ready to join the party. We cannot miss when the time arrived to be with our Lord.
You and me are the hope of the world. They are looking towards us to be their hope and we can help the world only through the Holy Spirit by sharing the good news.
Let’s celebrate Christmas but don’t forget the reason of the season which is Jesus Christ. Don’t be afraid of corona. Bible mentioned 365 times to believers do not be afraid. One time for the day for the whole year. We have to do the work of the Lord as we live and death will be the gain. So, there is no reason to be afraid.
May God of all riches bless you abundantly. Merry Christmas and a blessed new year.
From the desk of your Pastor
Boaz Kamran
November 2021
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- Kategori: Pastor Boaz Kamran