One thing I want to get into your notice in this beautiful journey as Christian, is that the Bible is not a religious book. If I will describe in short the Bible is:

  1. About the King of Kings
  2. His Kingdom
  3. His royal family

More over the Bible is about:

  1. A government
  2. Colonization of earth by the kingdom of heaven
  3. A restoration program of human being

So summary of the Bible is; that King of Kings want to extend His heavenly kingdom om earth through His called people (Church) and secondly He want to establish His kingdom with kings not with people.

That way the Bible has its own culture and moral values.

God has made Adam and Eve for the very purpose and give them authority on earth to be the ruler or king of the earth. They are made for to establish heavenly kingdom on earth. So the will of the father be done on earth as it is on heaven.

After the fall of man, the Bible even describe the restoration program of man. And in the mind of God only one purpose is prevailing about earth that He want to establish His own kingdom on earth.

As the time passes man get far way from this original purpose of His creator. That's why when the Son of God our Lord Jesus Christ came he starts with one sentence "Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand" and His last record on earth is the same as well. Acts 1:3 (focus is kingdom only).

He teaches the same in Lords prayer as pattern to follow for the believers. Let us work with the Holy Spirit to establish His Kingdom in our lives and around us.

Pastor Boaz Kamran

January 2023

Equmeniakyrkan Hallunda, Hallundaplan 1, 145 68 Norsborg. Bg 192-2889. Swish 123 225 8622.

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