In my experience by hearing and having a child and a grandchild, it always gives you the overwhelming joy to celebrate the true thanksgiving.

A child was given to the whole human kind. A new era has started. The new history begun with this child named JESUS CHRIST. No matter if someone believe or not but the center of every human history is Christ, known as BC and AC.

God embedded Christ in our lives. We need to know Him as good as possible with the whole heart. If we miss Christ in real meaning, we miss everything. Christ is greater and deeper than we have experienced up till now.

To know Him better, spend time with Christ. Read His love letter called The Holy Bible on daily basis.

You want to meet God, you can meet God in Christ. You want to meet Christ you can meet Him in your Bible. When you will meet Christ, it will be your real Christmas. From that point new beginning will start and you will taste NEW YEAR in your spiritual life. 

We believe living and unlimited God. He has never ended blessings and He is willing to gives us. There is no delay from His side but we are the major hinder for our blessings.

If He has given His only begotten son what else He wants to hold from us. Answer is He want to hold nothing from us.

Step forward and receive what He has in His divine calendar for you. This year 2023, He has given much and will continue to do it in the new year 2024.

From the desk of your pastor

Boaz Kamran

October 2023

Equmeniakyrkan Hallunda, Hallundaplan 1, 145 68 Norsborg. Bg 192-2889. Swish 123 225 8622.

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