As a believer we need to understand completely and deeply two things.

We are the called and chosen people of most high.

Our enemy is defeated and has absolutely no authority upon us.

Because: we are delivered by the grace of God. Jesus had atoned us, covered us from the sins.

The plan of atonement was foreordained. Before creation He had planed our salvation. God is never taken by surprise. That’s why God was not surprised when Adam and Eve sinned. But remember one thing, sin was never the plan of God, but it was in the knowledge of God. It’s His grace and unconditional love He planned our salvation before we were born or created as mankind.

Disobedience, sin, death and hell was not the plan of God but the plan of our enemy. Sin is foreign element. it is not the original plan of God.

Devil intervene in the plan of God and bring sin and death. God intervene in the plan of devil and bring salvation and eternal life.

Jesus did not just give us salvation, but He has broken the power of sin. Just embrace Jesus properly. We have no guarantee of this life, but believers have guarantee of eternal life.

Let us live for our Lord and glorify Him.

From the desk of your Pastor

Boaz Kamran

September 2019

Equmeniakyrkan Hallunda, Hallundaplan 1, 145 68 Norsborg. Bg 192-2889. Swish 123 225 8622.

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