As a believer we know that all things are good and under the divine plan of our Lord Jesus Christ. Even devil thinks that he is doing the things according to his plans and wishes but in the end, he will come to know he was accomplishing the Lord’s will. It is very difficult for us to
understand the ways, how God moves and works but one thing we can do is TRUST HIM. Because He is in a full control around us.

Trusting God is our strength and power to go forward in life and situations even we are unable to understand. Christian knows that we are travelling towards the end timings and Jesus is at door. Everything pointing this way. Prophecies of the Bible is being fulfilled and continue in every year. Corona Virus is one of the signs too. So, we need to be got ready to join the party. We cannot miss when the time arrived to be with our Lord.

You and me are the hope of the world. They are looking towards us to be their hope and we can help the world only through the Holy Spirit by sharing the good news.

Let’s celebrate Christmas but don’t forget the reason of the season which is Jesus Christ. Don’t be afraid of corona. Bible mentioned 365 times to believers do not be afraid. One time for the day for the whole year. We have to do the work of the Lord as we live and death will be the gain. So, there is no reason to be afraid.

May God of all riches bless you abundantly. Merry Christmas and a blessed new year.

From the desk of your Pastor

Boaz Kamran

November 2021

Equmeniakyrkan Hallunda, Hallundaplan 1, 145 68 Norsborg. Bg 192-2889. Swish 123 225 8622.

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