Throughout the history of mankind people always looking forward to reach God. To achieve this goal, they have gone through the separation from humanity, meditation, prayers, offerings, feasts, killing others, self-killing, painful and most difficult exercises, etc.

Even believers had this desire to see God. Moses once asked God if he could see Him personally with his human eyes. Exodus 33:18-20.

Why this desire was found within humankind. Question to see God does not make Him surprise because God make it possible for Adam and eve that they were able to see Him. They were very much used to see God and each other. God knows that seeing Him is built-in desire in human spirit and soul. It is our only spiritual satisfaction. Genesis 3:8, Isaiah 43:21.

During the time of history God sent His messengers and prophets who revealed God’s plan to us. They told us that God is coming to this earth. They revealed that God will dwell among us. Then we will be able to talk to Him, touch Him, see Him and have fellowship with Him.

About 2019 years ago time had arrived when a child was born. He was born by unusual way, He was born by a virgin, heaven moves, Angels were in action with great excitement, wise men were informed supernaturally, poor people were receiving the massages through angels.

Heavens and the earth were shouting that God has come. This child is not only a child but the creator of all things. His name and its meaning revealed by the angel. His name will be IMMANUEL. Immanuel means GOD IS WITH US. Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23.

Now God has reached to us. This is the reason of Christmas season. Opportunity has been given. Know we decide if we want to have fellowship with God or not.

Let make this Christmas special. Start to have fellowship with Him. If you are doing already let us go further in his love and deep fellowship. Let your surrounding knows that you have not only the information of God but deep relationship with God.

God bless you richly,

From the desk of your pastor

Boaz Kamran

December 2019

Equmeniakyrkan Hallunda, Hallundaplan 1, 145 68 Norsborg. Bg 192-2889. Swish 123 225 8622.

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