I bring you all greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I praise God that we are back to our normal church routines after the evil rain of the virus. It is to that extent that I consider this edition of our church magazine to be a special one indeed. It’s special because it serves as our expression of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord who, despite the trying times, our breath remains intact and we are still counted among the living. The last time I checked, I saw nothing so special that God should love us like he does. No wonder why King David exclaimed, “What are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?” (Psalm 8:4 NLT). As Satan and his foot soldiers unleashed the deadly virus on the whole world, the Lord in his faithfulness shielded our entire congregation with his feathers, causing us to successfully dodge those ferocious arrows. Thus I am happy to announce to his glory that no one in our own congregation was lost to the virus. Once more, not because we are special, but simply because of his great grace. To him be all glory in Jesus name! However, we offer our prayers of support to the families of our other colleagues who were affected by the disease. Divine comfort in Jesus name!

Now that we back, what does the future hold going forward? While we remain optimistic that this affliction shall not arise again, everyone must however realize that a long period of incapacity often requires an even longer period of recovery and rehabilitation. We are facing that long period at the moment. Many members appear to be having a difficult challenge moving beyond the pandemic. Unfortunately, the cost of incapacity is way too high for anyone to bear. Clearly, the worst appears to be behind us but the world isn’t yet out of the woods. For that reason, these are no times to give up; these are no times for complacency, neither are these the times to cry over spilled milk. On the contrary, these are times when, as the prophet Joel admonishes, the weak must say “I am strong.” However, that strength only comes from God as the arm of flesh only produces utter failure.

Consequently, my sincere admonition is that if there is any time when we need one another in close fellowship, that time is now. No wise Christian person can afford to be lukewarm at such trying times as these. We need God and we need one another to survive. We need more prayers now than ever before. Jesus said, Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation, (Mark 14:38). We are doing exactly that in our church and we need everyone to return. We all need more love, more faith, more of God’s Holy Word and we need to see everyone that had been missing until now.

I would like to take this opportunity to really appreciate our able worship team members and all the church workers who risked the very possibilities of the virus to conduct our online and zoom services throughout the peak period of the Covid-19 pandemic. Also, to our prayer group who prayed relentlessly all through the period I demand limitless blessings from God for you. You all gave sacrificially and you will receive back generously in Jesus name.

I celebrate our youth and their coordinator and teachers who found a digital alternative around the restrictions. Amazing! We are unstoppable! But the challenges remain, especially as our children and youth have suffered devastating assault on their minds and motivation, even if few people can understand that. Let’s all brace up for the challenges ahead. It’s not yet uhuru. But the Lord will help us in Jesus name!

Finally, our Christmas and end of year activities start in earnest very shortly, make yourselves part of it all because we must end this year on a strong note of praise in Jesus name! I love you all!

Pastor Sam

November 2021

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