Dear friends, the Advent/Christmas season provides me with the opportunity to bring my warmest greetings to the entire family of Equmeniakyrkan Hallunda [Inter’l], Equmeniakyrkan Hallunda Parish and all our friends and partners everywhere. It has been a thrilling ministry year, one in which we can all look back to with great satisfaction, but also with gratitude to the Lord for his great grace to get to where we are today.

It’s quite unbelievable how time has gone so quickly, bringing us to this joyous Christian event once more. With us again is the season of lights and life; the season of hope and happiness and the season of peace and love. It is the season of celebration all over the world that the world got the rarest gift of all – God’s Son, coming as a baby but armed with the mission to save a fallen world, a world completely corrupted by sin and disobedience to God. No wonder halleluiahs and beautiful carols rend the airwaves everywhere there are reasonable and grateful humans. Aren’t you glad to be alive to witness this holy and beautiful season? I hope you are!

Clearly, the journey through the past eleven months obviously may not have been without its challenges for many of us. But remember that without tests there would be no testimonies, and I praise God that many of you have shared fantastic testimonies of God’s faithfulness and interventions in your lives as 2019 rolled by. We must all give God the glory for all the deliverances, all the victories and all the blessings both to individuals and to our church. In the words of the Psalmist, “If it had not been the Lord who was on our side...” (Psalm 124:1a), our adversary the devil could have inflicted maximum damage to very many. But thanks be to God who causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus, and makes manifest the aroma of his knowledge by us in every place (2Corinth.2:14). To Him be all the glory in Jesus name!

Blessings all the way...

The year 2019 has unquestionably been one filled with much blessings. We all began it together and we shall finish it together in Jesus name! I have the privilege to announce to to you all that everyone made it alive as we recorded no deaths, no accident and no incapacitations. Can I hear “Praise the Lord!” On the contrary, we instead experienced a steady growth in our congregation, both in the number of adults finding our church, but also in the number of children delivered. To the glory of God, no fewer than eleven children were presented for dedication this year 2019. This is a record. In addition, four individual underwent immersion baptism during the year. The Lord is faithful and we give all the glory to Him.

Ministry Appraisal...

All things considered, I would say that, the Lord helping us, we were able to significantly address much of our ministry goals as set in our activity plan for the year. However, the ministry year ends in March 2020, so we have the opportunity to do even more. However, with the very exciting programs such as our powerful revival meetings that saw us play host to guest speakers but also, our annual International Cultural Week which was very colorful and exciting, we can all give ourselves a pat on the back. Besides, it is obvious that many of you have found strength and blessings through our weekly prayer meetings, Bible Studies, night vigils and others. I congratulate all the regular participants while I appeal to those who shy away from such activities to change their ways in the coming year. To the Advisory Committee, the Men’s Fellowship and the Ministry groups, I appreciate you for your efforts. The Women’s Fellowship has got new leaders that will take them to the next level in the year ahead.

Lastly, as Christmas comes upon us very soon, let us share Christ’s love among ourselves, ensuring that we become agents of disseminating the real message of the season. Christ is born, halleluiah!

My wife and I, with our entire family wish each one of you the happiest Christmas ever!

Merry Christ!

Pastor Sam. E. Nweze

December 2019

Equmeniakyrkan Hallunda, Hallundaplan 1, 145 68 Norsborg. Bg 192-2889. Swish 123 225 8622.

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