Dearly beloved friends in Christ, it’s so good to see most of you back after the opportunity for rest and travels that the summer holidays provided for many of you. I want to believe the Lord that each person got the well-deserved time-out from the usual daily routines. For those of you who have not taken some time out from work to refresh I urge you to endeavour to do so. Rest is a God-ordained practice to keep body and soul functioning in full capacity.

The summer period for us as a congregation experienced little or no slowdown whatsoever in our activities. Instead, we experienced a couple of exciting events that provided many the opportunity to grow in our walk with the Lord. Among other remarkable programs were the wonderful Children’s Service in June which enabled us to experience the tremendous growth happening among our children through the dedicated and sacrificial service of our Sunday School teachers. We very deeply appreciate their good work. Other notable events include the annual clean-up of our church, our annual picnic, Centrum evangelical outreach and leadership Seminar, not to forget the Women’s Fellowship retreat and thanksgiving which took place only at this August’s ending. Worthy of mention as well is the first-ever summer music classes organized to impart musical skills on our children during the summer months. We thank all parents who responded promptly to the call to purchase personal digital pianos for their children. These lessons will continue once the Happiness Club resumes on September 15. Lastly, divine arrangement opened up the door to daily food delivery from LIDL Sweden to our church. Since the month of June, our church has become a hub of help for refugees as well as for many of us as assorted food items are delivered right to the door steps of our church. We thank the Lord for making us a blessing to our community, and I personally thank my beloved wife who seized the moment of her meeting with the head of the Deacon Ministry in Santa Clara Cathedral in Stockholm centre to secure this wonderful favour from the Lord. The Lord bless you real good!

We played host to some guest Ministers during the summer period. Evangelist Neil Sundblad of “Go forth” Ministries, California USA was with us in May while Pastor Prosper Kanayo of Living Waters Unlimited Church, Lagos Nigeria ministered at our All Night vigil in July as well as at two different Sunday Services in July and August respectively. We thank the Lord for the success of both visits. Yet a couple of other exciting events still lie ahead of us before the year runs out. As most of you are already aware, come October 7-9, we will showcase the many colours of our church in what I have tagged “International Culture Week.” During that week, Rev. Augustine Iwendi of Divine Glory in Christ Pentecostal Ministries Abuja, Nigeria will be among us. More details of this great week will be made available through our Worship Bulletins.

Our weekly activities all continue as scheduled. All our programs are getting more and more exciting as the Lord’s countenance continues to shine on us as a congregation. Presently, our Bible Study is on the theme “The attributes of God.” I believe that if you know HIM better you will serve him greater and love him deeper. Psalm 9:10a says that “And they that know your name will put their trust in you.” We invite each one of you to be part of these exciting studies and miracle meetings. If you are in the habit of staying away from fellowship meeting designed to make you grow, you must understand that you are being cheated out of the many visitations that are taking place in other people’s lives. If you are in that category, then it’s time to have a change of attitude. God is blessing his people and you must make yourself a beneficiary of these blessings. Hebrews 10:25 urges us not to forsake the assembling of one another as is the manner of some. Consequently, you ought to now reject anything hindrance to the fellowship where friends meet friends and all meet the Lord and get blessed. I will close with Brother Paul’s words in Ephesians 6:10, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.” Do not let the impending darkness of winter to diminish your resolve to to continue to serve the Lord with strength and vigour. Maranatha!

September 2016

Equmeniakyrkan Hallunda, Hallundaplan 1, 145 68 Norsborg. Bg 192-2889. Swish 123 225 8622.

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