Another year is nearing its end and it’s time once more to look back with gratitude to the Lord for the journey so far. I call to mind the words of King David in Psalm 124 vs. 1 which says, “If the Lord had not been on our side—let Israel say—”. Well, we can all complete that statement with all that could have gone awfully wrong for us. Put the other way however, I can say that because God was on aside this year, things have turned out unimaginably well for the vast majority of us in our congregation. That’s in keeping with his word to us at the beginning of the year that despite the tough global challenges, he would lead all who would stay in touch with him in a good place, all who would walk hand-in-hand in blessed fellowship.

Evidently, not a single iota of his promise has fallen to the ground this far. Spiritual growth has been experienced by many who were surrendered, material blessings have been attained by many with some setting up or consolidating in their own businesses, some have witnessed divine interventions on immigration matters, healings have taken place, and there has been an explosion in the number of births leading to several child dedications. A number of adults were baptized, we witnessed some numerical growth and our church became an incredible channel of blessings to very many refugees and needy people in our neighbourhood through food and accessories distribution that took place during each day of the week and still does.

As a matter of fact, no church that I know of has experienced the level of activity that I have seen under our roof this year. Isn’t our God wonderful? Of course he is! Let his glorious name be praised! Not to say the least, help me to thank our God for the great open doors he has given lately to be able to take the gospel beyong the four walls of Sweden with a promise of even more doors ahead.

As the year 2016 comes to an end, permit me once more to appreciate all of you women and men who have worked tirelessly, as heirs and not as hirelings, to ensure that we accomplished the goals that we set for ourselves(or God set for us) this year. I will resist the temptation to name you person by person, but the one you have served knows you by name and will reward you “bigly” in due time. However, as your chief servant I say a big well done to you in Jesus name!

I now call on each one of you to join and let’s all finish the remaining weeks as strongly as we can. Isaiah 40:31 says that “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength”(NIV). There yet remains a couple of exciting activities to keep us near the Lord and one another until the curtain is drawn on 2016. Our spirit-filled prayer meetings and Sunday services continue uninterrupted. Our Christmas party/gift exchange on Christmas Eve; our annual cross-over night “Rejoice 2017” are both major events that you can all look forward to. Be sure to notify all your friends and family about these events. May the Lord shower you with his inexhaustible blessings as we edge towards the end in Jesus name!

December 2016

Equmeniakyrkan Hallunda, Hallundaplan 1, 145 68 Norsborg. Bg 192-2889. Swish 123 225 8622.

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