Dear friends in the International Congregation,

Now we are done with the theme "Winning Ways" which we have explored for about nine weeks. During this time, we were able to examining some, and I repeat, some of the ways in which we can place ourselves on the winning side. Just to recap, we looked at such topics as Winning throught Obedience, praise, forgiveness, love, investing, Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, On bended knees, faith and the Sacraments.I do hope that your lives have been transformed in tangible ways through these series of messages as we continue to look to him for a trasformation that will position us strategically for the abundant life that Jesus promised.

A new sermon series will begin shortly, one that will see us through the rest of the year. Advent begins on November 29, and programs that will see us through all four Sundays in Advent will be incorporated into the new schedule.

We will be recieving a guest speaker from Uppsala on November 15 in the person of Dr. Celestine Iwendi who is the world media Director for Uma Ukpai World Outreach. Pray for this day as we expect a mighty visitation from the Lord.

Lastly, I urge you to continue to pray for persecuted Christians around the globe. Things are getting tougher by the day. But the gates of hell will never prevail against the church in Jesus name!


Your Chief Servant.

October 2015


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