Dear friends in Christ,

As we make our way to the third Sunday in Advent, which draws us closer and closer to the event that causes the entire world to come to a stand still each year, I bring you my warmest greetings in the name of Jesus. The Lord has shown himself powerful and mighty both in our lives as a congregation and in our lives as single members of his family world wide. Many of you have over the course of the year testified to his faithfulness and I have personally taken much delight in seeing and knowing that you all are being truly blessed. What a wonderful God we serve!


I would like to thank the Lord for all his mighty deliverances from all the schemes of the enemy against our congregation this year. The church will continue to march on and the gates of hell and hades shall not prevail against it in Jesus name! I would like to particularly appreciate our prayer team who daily and weekly intercedes on behalf of our congregation, holding us up and seeking God's face on our behalf. Also, to all the regular attendees to our Miracle Tuesdays I say a thank you. Your prayers have been very invaluable and lives have been transformed through our very animated and powerful Bible Studies. More of those will be required from you all in the coming year. God bless you real good. To all the other team members including our Executive Committee I say a big God bless you for your wonderful dedication and commitment.


Christmas is around the corner. My one request to you all is this: Be sure to make Jesus known! Tell your friends that Jesus was born to save us from our sins. That text is in Matthew's gospel 1:21. That's the reason for the season we are in. That message mustn't be drowned out by the sound of commerce and meaningless 'fun'. We must instead celebrate with thanksfulness to the Lord for giving us his only begotten Son, our saviour who is Christ the Lord. Tell that message to everyone that you love. When you do, then you are having a truly "Merry Christmas".


The Christmas season is a season for much travel and movements. Consequently, my prayers go to all of you who will be travelling to be with family and friends during this holiday. May the Lord grant each person and family a very safe and pleasant journey in Jesus mighty name! Remember, Jesus is the King of all kings!

A very merry Christmas and a hope-filled anticipation of the New Year!

From Pastor and family.

December 2015

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