As the countdown to the end of the year 2022 begins, let me take this opportunity to thank God for the journey thus far. Our focus for 2022 was, A Year of Total Resistance, a theme inspired from 1 Peter 5:8, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Doubtlessly, the year has presented challenges and sometimes unsettling interferences to very many of us along the way. However, many in our congregation have proved through their testimonies that indeed they were able to put up spiritual resistance by prayerfully standing up to the enemy. These ones refused to give in to the devil’s antics by simply following laid down patterns of triumph spelt out for them through intentional surrender to biblical teachings and obedience to calls to action. But, as we all know, the battle is not yet over.

The season we are in namely, the period generally referred to as the –ember months quite characteristically will yet present additional and perhaps defining challenges for very many of us, some of which are bound to test our readiness to continue to put up a good fight against the enemy. To everyone of you my counsel is this; simply stand up and fight! There yet re- mains a couple of months to see the year out. Those that will stand up to fight and resist the devil will obviously come out victorious. This is a spiritual warfare; a warfare which Apostle Paul reminds us is not against flesh and blood, (Eph. 6:12). It is a warfare that seeks to consume us and our children; one which seeks to decimate our faith in Christ and weaken us spiritually. This battle is one which none of us can afford to lose. We must all now abandon every attitude of unwarranted lukewarmness and stand up strong. This fight was never easy before and it will not be easy now. To do that, I urge everyone to keep steady pace with Jesus. The Scripture urges us to ‘walk carefully...because the days are evil.’ (Ephesians 5:16). God is able to give us victory over all the powers of the enemy but you must come to him to receive that power.

I therefore urge everyone to continue to be strong in worship, prayer and the Word, coupled with a growing love for our Saviour Jesus Christ and for one another. Those who miss church and services must now wake up. Wisdom demands that, especially as we see the end drawing near.

Lastly, a couple of programs are coming up, especially our Annual International Cultural Week (ICW). No one should miss the events of those exciting days. Let us also be thankful for the many babies born into our church. God’s faithfulness has indeed proved unceasing to us. Don’t forget to continue to prayer one for another and for the ministry of our church. As the season of advent, Christmas and the New Year approaches let us remain aware that Jesus is coming soon.

Rev. Sam. E. Nweze

September 2022

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