For every well meaning Christian, the Advent season is the season when the adoration and worship of Christ our savior is at its highest point. Through each day up until the Christmas day, the world comes to a near standstill. With spoken and unspoken languages there is a general acknowledgement that someone special was born into the world to meet the human race where they are. The sweet melodies of Christmas carols, Christmas bells chiming through the air, not least, through the maze of human activity witnessed through unequaled travels and movements of people through every available means coupled with the greatest season of commercial activity as people frantically make purchases in readiness for exchange of gift all bear witness to the fact that a special season is unfolding.

As God’s people who are privileged to be associated with this special child who have become the King of all kings, you and I have a huge responsibility. We must all step up our efforts to ensure that the message of Christ’s birth is not drowned by the loud and alluring drums of profanity and fanfare. The unbelieving world is fast losing touch with that message. Christians are therefore called upon to speak up. Go, tell it on the mountains, over the hills and everywhere that Jesus Christ is born. One person at a time-and the reason for the season will be made known to all people everywhere.


The season of Christmas also immediately leads us to an important transition point in the life of each of us as well as in our church. The end of the year and the start of a new one both follow in quick succession. It is needful therefore to use this space to appreciate every member of Equmeniakyrkan International Hallunda for such a wonderful ministry outing this year. I believe we all had a most wonderful time in the presence of God and very blessed through each and every meeting opportunity that we had.

Special mention must be mentioned however, of the exciting 10th anniversary celebrations that ran through two consecutive weeks ending early in October. What an eventful moment in our church! I thank each and every participant who contributed ideas and resources to make it what it was. My appreciation goes particularly to the few people who worked assiduously to ensure that the event was successful. God bless you real good! Also to every member of the Advisory Committee, as well as all the ministry groups I say a big God bless you! The Scripture tells us in Daniel 11:32b, “The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits”. From this Scripture springs up our theme for the coming year, 2019. It will be a year of “GREAT EXPLOITS.” I urge you all therefore, to begin to get excited because a great year is ahead of us.

I conclude with an important program information. Effective January 2019, our “Miracle Tuesday” will move to mid week fellowship under the title “MIDWEEK COVENANT ENCOUNTER. With this change, our first midweek fellowship will take place on Wednesday January 2, 2019. Be sure to adjust your schedules accordingly to enable you embrace these covenant meetings. Lastly, mark your calendar for our New Year retreat on January 13.

My family and I wish you all a very happy Christmas and a joyous and prosperous New year!

Pastor Sam

December 2018.

Equmeniakyrkan Hallunda, Hallundaplan 1, 145 68 Norsborg. Bg 192-2889. Swish 123 225 8622.

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