Friends, it’s yet another time to look back and forward in the ministry committed to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank the Lord who enables us both to will and to do of his good pleasure. But also to you through whom this work’s been carried out through the past year.

The year 2014 saw a lot of progress both in spiritual and numerical growth. With several births and no deaths, we have so much to be thankful for. The salvation of a number of souls, the revival and renewal of so many peoples’ faith, the restoration of joys and peace, personal and family blessings, and many more, all bear testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness to us as a church.

This year, 2015, this testimony must be sustained. There must be no letting up. That is the reason we began by raising the bar of our love life as a congregation. God will do wonders in a church where love has her stronghold. When God sees love among us, he is attracted to us and his glory comes down, for God is love and his presence dwells wherever he finds agape.

I therefore reissue a strong call, the same call that Hebrews 13 verse 1 issues us; “Let brotherly love continue”. There must be no one left out!. We must all now heed this biblical injunction to love one another. As I have pointed out severally, that is our only Identity card as Christians, John (13:35). May the grace of God enable us all to live in that love henceforth in Jesus name!

As the year is fast moving from infancy to adulthood, a call hangs over each one of us to brace up for action. Our church’s Annual meeting comes up soon in the month of March and a number of action plans for the year will be unveiled. Also, people will be required to fill various vacant positions in the life of our church. In effect, God is looking for “a man” “a woman” who will do business for him during this year. Will he find you? My prayer is that he does. I urge you all to prayerfully consider ways in which the Lord might use you for his purposes to his glory.

My deepest appreciation goes to the Executive Committee under the leadership of Bro. Kingsley Kejuo for all the good work done over thepast one year.

I also appreciate those representing our congregation on the Styrelsen.. Thank you all! And to all the other Ministry groups I say a big God bless you for the good work you are doing for the kingdom. You will all get the kingdom’s reward in Jesus name!

Looking ahead…

Let us all make ourselves part of the many exciting programs and activities lined upfor usthisyear. Take alook at the recently published Worship Schedule and familiarize yourself with the various programs that are lined up.

But some important highlights are worthy of note.

- All Sunday Schoolteachers’ workshop, February 22;
- All Leaders’ retreat, February 28;
- Annual Meeting, March7 with Combined Service following on March 8.
- The Easter weekend will be a busy one for us with our annual ”To Golgotha with Jesus”
- Good Friday Service.
- Easter Eve will be an Easter musical outreach in Hallunda Centrum.

We thank the Lord for the opportunity to share the gospel openly. Join in these and many other activitiesahead. Keep on living for Jesus, loving one another and sharing the joy of belonging to the one big family of Hallundakyrkan.

Remember, do not forsake the assembling of one another as the manner of some is especially as you see the day approaching, Hebrews 10:25.

My wife and I love you and we never cease to pray for you all. We covet your prayers too.

Pastor E. Samuel Nweze Hallundakyrkan [International]

- This text is also published in Programbladet March - May 2015 -

Equmeniakyrkan Hallunda, Hallundaplan 1, 145 68 Norsborg. Bg 192-2889. Swish 123 225 8622.

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