Song of Solomon 3:1-4
This is a very special book which shows the love between husband and wife. One thing we need to know is that, this love is the revelation between the Christ and the Church. As we know from the Word of God that Jesus is our Bridegroom and Church is the bride, so whenever you read this book read in this background.
In chapter three the bride (the church) came to know that somehow the relation of her groom (Lord Jesus) had been broken. Because she could not find her love beside her. She was about to sleep at bed and didnot find her love there and didnot find her love there.

Bed time is the rasting time. Rast present the comfortable time of the life. The true believer always want their Lord beside them even in there comfortable time. Some need their Lord at their difficult timings only.
When Bride could not find her love, her Lord. She decided not to sleep and instead to find her Lord. She did not fear of the dark, where she can encounter thief’s, slum dogs etc.

She started to find her Lord in room then in the house and then in the street and even in the whole city. During her search she meet with the watchmen. Watchmen presents the Pastor and the Church leadership. She questioned them. They guide as much as they can.

Importantly, verse four first line give us special guidance. Which is, pastors can give us the outline, headline in the church service. In verse four ‘‘it was but a little that I passed from them’’ we need to hear from watchmen, but we should go little dipper in the word, to search our Lord. If we just hear the guidance and did nothing by ourselves to dig dipper, we cannot not find our Love, our Lord.

I encourage you to hear the pastors Sunday message, then dig more the outline you got. You will find something you never can forget.

Once she found her Love. She never let him go. Meaning she has examined herself. She know what not to do. Now she knows her shortcoming, which cause her love to leave her. She hold her strongly mean she never make any situation which cause her Lord to left her behind and alone.

May God give you special wisdom and spiritual strength to do dig dipper and hold your Love, your Lord strongly.

From the desk of your pastor.

Boaz Kamran

September 2016

Equmeniakyrkan Hallunda, Hallundaplan 1, 145 68 Norsborg. Bg 192-2889. Swish 123 225 8622.

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