Throughout the history of mankind people always looking forward to reach God. To achieve this goal, they have gone through the separation from humanity, meditation, prayers, offerings, feasts, killing others, self-killing, painful and most difficult exercises, etc.
Even believers had this desire to see God. Moses once asked God if he could see Him personally with his human eyes. Exodus 33:18-20.
Why this desire was found within humankind. Question to see God does not make Him surprise because God make it possible for Adam and eve that they were able to see Him. They were very much used to see God and each other. God knows that seeing Him is built-in desire in human spirit and soul. It is our only spiritual satisfaction. Genesis 3:8, Isaiah 43:21.
During the time of history God sent His messengers and prophets who revealed God’s plan to us. They told us that God is coming to this earth. They revealed that God will dwell among us. Then we will be able to talk to Him, touch Him, see Him and have fellowship with Him.
About 2019 years ago time had arrived when a child was born. He was born by unusual way, He was born by a virgin, heaven moves, Angels were in action with great excitement, wise men were informed supernaturally, poor people were receiving the massages through angels.
Heavens and the earth were shouting that God has come. This child is not only a child but the creator of all things. His name and its meaning revealed by the angel. His name will be IMMANUEL. Immanuel means GOD IS WITH US. Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23.
Now God has reached to us. This is the reason of Christmas season. Opportunity has been given. Know we decide if we want to have fellowship with God or not.
Let make this Christmas special. Start to have fellowship with Him. If you are doing already let us go further in his love and deep fellowship. Let your surrounding knows that you have not only the information of God but deep relationship with God.
God bless you richly,
From the desk of your pastor
Boaz Kamran
December 2019
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- Kategori: Pastor Boaz Kamran
As a believer we need to understand completely and deeply two things.
We are the called and chosen people of most high.
Our enemy is defeated and has absolutely no authority upon us.
Because: we are delivered by the grace of God. Jesus had atoned us, covered us from the sins.
The plan of atonement was foreordained. Before creation He had planed our salvation. God is never taken by surprise. That’s why God was not surprised when Adam and Eve sinned. But remember one thing, sin was never the plan of God, but it was in the knowledge of God. It’s His grace and unconditional love He planned our salvation before we were born or created as mankind.
Disobedience, sin, death and hell was not the plan of God but the plan of our enemy. Sin is foreign element. it is not the original plan of God.
Devil intervene in the plan of God and bring sin and death. God intervene in the plan of devil and bring salvation and eternal life.
Jesus did not just give us salvation, but He has broken the power of sin. Just embrace Jesus properly. We have no guarantee of this life, but believers have guarantee of eternal life.
Let us live for our Lord and glorify Him.
From the desk of your Pastor
Boaz Kamran
September 2019
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- Kategori: Pastor Boaz Kamran
We are called and chosen people. We need to know our relationship with Lord Jesus Christ in a batter way than before. Relationship should continue to develop in understanding, love and concern for doing something for Him.
Jesus Christ is a very person. Our relationship reflects always what we think of the other person. Our talk, thinking and act shows that the person is alive or dead. In church there are two type of believers.
Some shows by their deeds that their Lord is dead and no more alive. In case of troubles, emergency, happy or sad moments they need some mediator like Pastor or other minister. Their Lord is very small, weak and tiny that He cannot fulfill their need. He cannot make their daily life brightened and joyful. They are full with complains. They become the trouble makers. They need always a feeder to drink milk. They need attention, care and sympathy.
Other shows that they have living contact or alive contact with their Lord Jesus. When they fell into troubles, they contact by themselves to Him. In case of emergency they call upon his name. When they are happy, they invite Him and enjoy His fellowship. When they have challenges, they know their Lord is bigger than this challenge. Their works tells that they are in relation with someone who’s grace and love is enough for them. They are not trouble makers but they became solutions. They don’t need attention but they pay attention to others.
On this resurrection season I encourage you to have alive relationship with your living Lord Jesus Christ. Because he is not dead anymore, he has risen and his grave is empty.
Happy Resurrection season
From the desk of your Pastor,
Boaz Kamran
April 2019
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- Kategori: Pastor Boaz Kamran
Praise the Lord that we are closing again this year 2018 with the celebrations of Christmas. Celebrations starts as we entre into the month of December. This is a special December because we have 5 Mondays,
5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays.
You may have gone through a difficulties and challenges. Many times, you feel yourself a failed person. An unsuccessful person. Or any other bad
association which make you feel pity.
But on this special occasion I have good news for you. I want you to stop and read it carefully. You entitled yourself all weak things because you are focusing yourself only.
I urge you to use the ability to focus. But this time focus for one year, only Jesus. Try to do something for Him, say something for Him, go somewhere for Him, ask and tell for Him. Your focus must be Jesus instead of your own personality.
You will change for ever. Because when you focus on Jesus, Jesus will focus on you. He will restore everything in your life. I know something great is going to be happen in the year 2019 for you. You will not be the same person again. Your life will be filled with testimonies.
I wish the year 2019 serve you with focusing Jesus. Merry Christmas and A Happy new year.
From the desk of your Pastor
Boaz Kamran
December 2018.
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- Kategori: Pastor Boaz Kamran
You are chosen to have this blessed seasonal celebrations. Season of Christmas give us hope of life and achieving goals through the power of The Holy Spirit. Jesus gave His everything so we could able to receive everything we need. This season demands us to show that we love Jesus. That we want to do the things what are right in the sight of our Lord Jesus. Because Jesus is the reason of this season.
I personally encourage you to spare a special and lone time for the Lord during this special season. Don’t make yourself feel that it’s a special day but let Lord Jesus Christ feel that it’s His special day. To make Him feel special, Celebrate with Him. Do everything for Him. Behave like Him. Deal like Him. Talk like Him. Walk like Him. Do something what Jesus likes; it will be the best gift you can offer on His special day.
As a Christian I need to stop and think what I am doing in my life. Am I just participating in celebrations like a religious man or woman, or I have some special heart for the Lord.
Jesus stands always at your side, no matter how much your enemies try this coming year of 2018, they will not succeed. Because you have been destined to make it and you shall surely achieve all your goals this year. All your agonies will be diverted and victory and prosperity will be coming in abundance. If you stand with Jesus than He has confirmed the end of your sufferings, sorrows and pain because He that sits on the throne has remembered you. He has taken away the hardships and given you joy. He will never let you down.
Your God will remember you today like Noah. Protect you like Daniel. Heal you like Naaman.
Favour you like Moses. Prosper you like Isaac. Anoint you Like David. Answer you like Elijah.
Use you like Paul. Intervene for you like Esther. Fight for you like Israelites.
Just stay with Him and trust Him with all of your heart.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
From the Desk of your Pastor Boaz Kamran
December 2017
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- Kategori: Pastor Boaz Kamran
John 1:14
We praise the name of our Lord and saviour who paid the prise at our behalf to deliver us from the penalty of eternal death. For this very reason He came to earth and we see and encounter Him and His name is JESUS. He born not of flesh nor by the desire of men but the spirit and the will of God Himself. He is unique at His birth, life (with sings and wonders), death, burial and specially His resurrection.
Every nation has his leader every religion has his God, but only the Christians has this privilege to announce that their Lord and saviour is not dead like other but resurrected for everlasting life. As His followers we have hope and faith that we are going to taste the resurrection not for death but eternal life with our Lord.
Your birth is special and you are on a mission from God. Know it and start working for it to accomplish.
Live Life for good death.
Today its not a matter if there is life after death but the matter if we are living A LIFE actually on this earth.
Stay blessed.
From the desk of your Pastor
Boaz Kamran
March 2017
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- Kategori: Pastor Boaz Kamran
Song of Solomon 3:1-4
This is a very special book which shows the love between husband and wife. One thing we need to know is that, this love is the revelation between the Christ and the Church. As we know from the Word of God that Jesus is our Bridegroom and Church is the bride, so whenever you read this book read in this background.
In chapter three the bride (the church) came to know that somehow the relation of her groom (Lord Jesus) had been broken. Because she could not find her love beside her. She was about to sleep at bed and didnot find her love there and didnot find her love there.
Bed time is the rasting time. Rast present the comfortable time of the life. The true believer always want their Lord beside them even in there comfortable time. Some need their Lord at their difficult timings only.
When Bride could not find her love, her Lord. She decided not to sleep and instead to find her Lord. She did not fear of the dark, where she can encounter thief’s, slum dogs etc.
She started to find her Lord in room then in the house and then in the street and even in the whole city. During her search she meet with the watchmen. Watchmen presents the Pastor and the Church leadership. She questioned them. They guide as much as they can.
Importantly, verse four first line give us special guidance. Which is, pastors can give us the outline, headline in the church service. In verse four ‘‘it was but a little that I passed from them’’ we need to hear from watchmen, but we should go little dipper in the word, to search our Lord. If we just hear the guidance and did nothing by ourselves to dig dipper, we cannot not find our Love, our Lord.
I encourage you to hear the pastors Sunday message, then dig more the outline you got. You will find something you never can forget.
Once she found her Love. She never let him go. Meaning she has examined herself. She know what not to do. Now she knows her shortcoming, which cause her love to leave her. She hold her strongly mean she never make any situation which cause her Lord to left her behind and alone.
May God give you special wisdom and spiritual strength to do dig dipper and hold your Love, your Lord strongly.
From the desk of your pastor.
Boaz Kamran
September 2016
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- Kategori: Pastor Boaz Kamran